Monday, September 9, 2013

Kid Soup

I know, I know… The title makes me both cringe and smile in the same breath, but it's lodged into my slightly-twisted brain and won’t leave. Let’s just roll with it, eh? I’ll have you know, however, that there is some logic behind it (and no, nothing to do with the impending zombie apocalypse).

When my kiddos were little, we often read the old folk tale, Stone Soup, about a weary and hungry traveler with no means, who decides to prepare a meal by boiling a pot of water and tossing in a stone. Of course, this piques the curiosity of nearly every passer-by, who also toss in an ingredient—a carrot, a potato, an onion, etc.—until voila, a delicious soup is prepared. 

I’m a lot like that traveler. Not so much the hungry part unless you count today—day one (yet again) of mine and Paco’s latest diet—but the weary part, for sure. I seem to be continuously exhausted, and for the majority of any given day, I have one looming question on my mind: What-the-heck am I gonna make for dinner?

Although I’ve never considered starting with a rock, I have been known to toss in many’a random ingredient—each with its own unique, special, and sometimes unexpected flavor—to make a delicious soup or casserole for my gang. And somehow (for the most part) this hodge-podge of ingredients generally turns out pretty dang yummy.

And just as the weary traveler, Paco and I (the baker and the banker) have combined into our “pot,” a variety of personalities and characteristics—each unique, special, and some with an unexpected flavor or attribute—to make up this incredible blend of people we call our children.

Let me introduce them…

DETERMINATION came into my life 28 years ago and was the first of many to teach me about motherhood. Once a shy kid, he’s now a social rock star (when he wants) and in many respects an extension of me. “D” started writing his first novel at 16, and today has approximately eight finished manuscripts—two published, with another under review. He currently teaches junior high English, and will do so until the day his writing sustains him…which will be soon!

AMBITION arrived a year later and let my peaceful “D” know who was in charge. When she wanted something, she’d tackle it head on (in the early years, including “D” himself). Not only was “A” my earliest walker, she also taught herself how to ride a bike, do back handsprings, play the guitar, was the first to graduate from college and is now looking into grad school. Her strong will has served her well!

LOVELY is not only beautiful on the outside, but radiates that same loveliness within. Her kind and gentle heart serve her well in her own role as mommy. There's nothing that brings me more satisfaction as a mother than watching “L” mother her own boys—my grandsons. I can't help but beam inside at this sight.

STRENGTH is not only packed with muscles, but has a rock solid core, and I’m not referring to his physique, but rather his countenance or inner strength. He has competed internationally on the U.S. Junior Men’s Powerlifting Team, and can probably bench press a buffalo, but would tell you his greatest accomplishment is the two-year mission he’s currently serving. “S” is our gentle giant.

TALENT is oozing with abilities that never cease to amaze us all. He’s self-taught in both piano and art, and has honed his talent for acquiring requests from teenage girls desiring their portrait via his mad sketching skills. “T” has taken the art of flirting to a cultivated, whole new, and very literal level.

BELLISIMA (beauty) is my beautiful Peruvian rose. She came into my life as an 11-year-old and has literally blossomed before my eyes. As every rose (and every teenager), she can be as soft and delicate as a rose petal, but if not handled properly, the prick of a thorn might result. Most of all, “B” is strong—always able to withstand life’s storms as her roots grow deep and her limbs stretch far.

INTEGRITY radiates the qualities of honesty and moral principals. He is growing into a man of order and responsibility. “I” likes to be on time, and prepared—very much the boy scout that he is, but knows how to chill out and cut-loose when the mood strikes. He’s been known to have us all holding our gusts, laughing at the dinner table, and can do a pretty mean “worm” on any given dance floor.

CHARISMA is the spice of our great, big, integrated pot of kid soup. She is capable of being ten places at once, and charms, as well as entertains everyone simultaneously. “C” is proficient at maneuvering any given course of events into the direction she desires, so we believe inevitable success will be hers in a career in politics, Hollywood or both. Hey, if Arnold can do it…

And lastly, we add KINDNESS to the “pot”—our little dab of sweetness who’s always concerned with everyone and their feelings. The warmth of her hugs are healing, and the radiation of her smile, contagious; however, we were quick to discover that the combination of KINDNESS and CHARISMA could be a lethal duo.

There you have it—the baker and the banker’s kid soup via their prominent characteristics. I neglected to list some of their less-than-desirable personas—the screamer, the wall-puncher, the time bomb, the whiner, the crier, miss moody, etc… We’ll save these for another day…or not.

So if you're making your own kid soup, what would be the ingredients?
Tamra Torero is Wife to Paco, Momma to nine, Grandma of two, Bakery Manager, author of Shayla Witherwood: A Half-Faerie Tale and co-author of a Christmas novel, The Lost Son, with her son, Preston Norton. She absolutely adores her concoction of kid soup, but on a rainy day prefers clam chowder and a good book.

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