Can there be such thing as an adolescent girl expert? I doubt it, but I’d like to throw my hat
into the ring with some thoughts on girls. After all, I’m “well practiced” when
it comes to the psyche of the adolescent female. First off, I was one (or as
some might say, I’m a survivor).
Dickens, in his classic novel, A Tale of Two Cities, accurately sums up the
memories of my teen years—It was the best
of times, it was the worst of times. I look back with selective fond
memories, but wouldn’t return for a million dollar check hand delivered by Mr.
Darcy himself (okay, I’m a liar…but this would never happen, so back to my
point). Wouldn’t. Wanna. Re-live. Period!
Further endorsing my girl-expert credentials, I was
raised in a household of seven sisters (my brother, Rob’s personal estrogen
nightmare). I am also the mother of five daughters, ranging in age from 11 to
26. And for the cherry-chapstick on top, the main characters of seven of my
eight published novels are teen or pre-teen girls (okay, one is half-faerie,
but she’s a female adolescent half-faerie).
However you want to look at it, I know a thing or
two about the mind of adolescent girls.
And in case you were wondering how we even classify
the boundaries of adolescence, it’s a little sketchy. One online dictionary
defines it as, a state of development
prior to maturity. Goodness! With this definition, I know some forty and
fifty year old adolescents (including myself at times). For all intents and
purposes, let’s just say, 11 to 26—the ages of my own female posterity.
So here is my profound thought on girls…
Being an adolescent girl is both wonderful and
difficult. (I know--deep!)
To quote my friend Dickens again from where we left
off: it was the age of wisdom, it was the
age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of
incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was
the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us,
we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going
direct the other way.
Okay…well, maybe that’s taking it to the extreme,
but for some, I’d venture to say not. With the ups and downs of not only a
maturing body, but a maturing intellect, adolescence is simply TOUGH!
So if I could impart one simple truth to my
daughters and to all females—one bit of information to carry through life, to
lift you up and empower you, and to make it all better at the end of a really
long day—it would be this:
You are a daughter of God. Royalty. A princess! Not the tiara wearing
princess, but a legacy bearing princess.
Wear this title with pride, and live up to your divine legacy by showing and giving yourself love
and respect. In doing so, you will attract those into your life who will return
this love and respect. They will see your true value—some have said which is far beyond
rubies. This value--your value--can never be measured in a number (a GPA, a weight on a
scale, an IQ, an income) because you, My Dear, are not only a Princess...
You are Amazing.
You are Adored.
You are Creation At Its Best!
Tamra Torero is Wife to Paco, Momma to nine, Grandma of two, Bakery Manager, author of Shayla Witherwood: A Half-Faerie Tale and co-author of a Christmas novel,The Lost Son, with her son, Preston Norton. Though never a prom queen, or homecoming princess, or even barn dance queen (yes, her high school had one), she has worn the Burger King crown on many occasions and considers herself a survivor of adolescence.
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